If you are using webinars as a way to generate new leads, you should be advised that the hard work begins when the webinar is over. This is when you get the real chance to turn your attendees into paying customers. Here’s how:
Measure attendance: typically, 40% of those who registered will actually attend the webinar. If your attendance percentage is much lower than this, you did something wrong and you will have to fix this before your next webinar.
Send slides and recording: email your attendees and let them know where they can download the materials.
Reach out to your attendees and ask them to connect via social media – you want to keep in touch with your most promising prospects.
Send useful resources: send links to your blog or other resources to attendees who want to read more about the topic of your webinar – going the extra mile to help them is always appreciated.
Add your deck to SlideShare or a similar platform: this will help increase your visibility and reach new audiences.
Measure the traffic increase on your landing page and the conversions that followed your webinar.
Make your webinar evergreen: turn it into a series of blog posts, an e-book, a white paper or several shorter films that you can post online to get more leads.